Generate Functions (rickshaw.Generate)

Generates a random Cyclus input file. Contains functions to stochastically generate a niche path through the nuclear fuel cycle as well as the appropriate archetypes, recipes, commodities, and a control scheme for the nuclear fuel cycle those niches represent. Archetypes state variables with a “range” uitype are stochastically generated within a physically valid range.

rickshaw.generate.archetype_block(sim_spec, arches)[source]

Formats the archetypes into the input file format


arches : list

List of assigned archetype.


block : dictionary

Dictionary containing each necessary element of the archetype block in a Cyclus input file.

rickshaw.generate.choose_archetypes(sim_spec, niches)[source]

Determines the correct archetype from cyclus or cycamore based on the niche


sim_spec : SimSpec

Specification for simulation generation

niches : list

List of sequential niches returned from


arches : list

List of assigned archetypes. Same list length as niches.

rickshaw.generate.choose_commodities(sim_spec, niches)[source]

Creates list of commodities individually chosen by the choose_commodity function


sim_spec : SimSpec

Specification for simulation generation

niches : list

List of sequential niches returned from


commods : list

List of in and out commodities to be added to the archetypes in the input file.

rickshaw.generate.choose_commodity(sim_spec, keyfrom, keyto, unique_commods)[source]

Determine commodity based on a from/to pairs.


sim_spec : SimSpec

Specification for simulation generation

keyfrom : str

Origin niche name.

keyto : str

Following niche name.

unique_commods : set

Current names used by chosen commodities.


commod_name : str

A unique commodity name.

rickshaw.generate.choose_recipes(sim_spec, commods)[source]

Chooses the specific recipe for each commodity in the commods list


sim_spec : SimSpec

Specification for simulation generation

commods : list

List of in and out commodities to be added to the archetypes in the input file.


recipes : list

List of the assigned recipes to be added to the recipe section of the generated input file[]

rickshaw.generate.generate(max_num_niches=10, sim_spec=None)[source]

Creates a random Cyclus simulation input file dict.


max_num_niches : int, optional

The maximum number of niches in the simulation


inp : dict

A simulation dictionary in JSON form, suitable for use as a Cyclus input file.

rickshaw.generate.generate_archetype(sim_spec, arche, in_commod, out_commod, in_recipe, out_recipe)[source]

Pulls in the metadata for each archetype


sim_spec : SimSpec

Specification for simulation generation

arche : str

The name of the archetype that is being generated.

in_commod : str

The incommodity received by the specific archetype as determined by

out_commod : str

The outcommodity produced by the specific archetype as determined by


config : dict

The JSON formatted archetype dictionary to be put in the input file

rickshaw.generate.random_niches(sim_spec, max_niches, choice='mine', niches=None)[source]

Generates a randomized list of niches of the nuclear fuel cycle.


sim_spec : SimSpec

Specification for simulation generation

max_niches : int

The maximum number of niches desired by the user, the total number of generated niches does not have to reach this number.

choice : str

If desired the starting point of the list of niches can be set. Preset to the natural starting point of “mine”

niches : None

This will be set to be a list at the beginning of the function and will contain the chosen niches.


niches : list

List of connected niches that model the steps of the full nuclear fuel cycle.

rickshaw.generate.up_hierarchy(sim_spec, key)[source]