"""Generates a random Cyclus input file. Contains functions to stochastically
generate a niche path through the nuclear fuel cycle as well as the appropriate
archetypes, recipes, commodities, and a control scheme for the nuclear fuel cycle
those niches represent. Archetypes state variables with a "range" uitype are
stochastically generated within a physically valid range.
import os
import json
import random
import subprocess
import shutil
import logging
from collections.abc import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from random import randrange, choice
from pprintpp import pprint
except ImportError:
from pprint import pprint
from rickshaw import simspec
from rickshaw import special_archs as sa
from rickshaw.lazyasd import lazyobject
return shutil.which('cyclus')
return shutil.which('h5ls')
def H5_LIBPATH():
prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(H5LS_EXECUTABLE[:]))
lib = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib')
return lib
prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(CYCLUS_EXECUTABLE[:]))
lib = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib')
lib += ':' + H5_LIBPATH[:]
ld_lib_path = lib + ':' + os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
return ld_lib_path
env = dict(os.environ)
return env
[docs]def random_niches(sim_spec, max_niches, choice="mine", niches=None):
"""Generates a randomized list of niches of the nuclear fuel cycle.
sim_spec : SimSpec
Specification for simulation generation
max_niches : int
The maximum number of niches desired by the user, the total number
of generated niches does not have to reach this number.
choice : str
If desired the starting point of the list of niches can be set.
Preset to the natural starting point of "mine"
niches : None
This will be set to be a list at the beginning of the function and
will contain the chosen niches.
niches : list
List of connected niches that model the steps of the full nuclear
fuel cycle.
logging.info('Starting Niches')
if niches is None:
niches = []
if max_niches == 1:
logging.info('Finishing Niches')
return niches
choice = random.sample(sim_spec.niche_links[choice], 1)[0]
if choice is None:
logging.info('Finishing Niches')
return niches
logging.info('Finishing Niches')
return random_niches(sim_spec, max_niches-1, choice, niches)
[docs]def up_hierarchy(sim_spec, key):
logging.info('start upheir')
# If we have it, immediately return
if key in sim_spec.commodities:
return sim_spec.commodities[key]
# If the key contains a colon, we may be able to provide a more basic form
if ":" in key[0]:
keyfrom, _, _ = key[0].rpartition(":")
keyfrom = key[0]
if ":" in key[1]:
keyto, _, _ = key[1].rpartition(":")
keyto = key[1]
# If our new key is identical to the original, we can't support it
if (keyfrom, keyto) == key:
logging.info('end upheir')
return None
if (keyfrom, key[1]) != key:
commod = up_hierarchy(sim_spec, (keyfrom, key[1]))
if commod is not None:
logging.info('end upheir')
return commod
if (key[0], keyto) != key:
commod = up_hierarchy(sim_spec, (key[0], keyto))
if commod is not None:
logging.info('end upheir')
return commod
commod = up_hierarchy(sim_spec, (keyfrom, keyto))
logging.info('end upheir')
return commod
[docs]def choose_commodity(sim_spec, keyfrom, keyto, unique_commods):
"""Determine commodity based on a from/to pairs.
sim_spec : SimSpec
Specification for simulation generation
keyfrom : str
Origin niche name.
keyto : str
Following niche name.
unique_commods : set
Current names used by chosen commodities.
commod_name : str
A unique commodity name.
commod = orig_commod = up_hierarchy(sim_spec, (keyfrom, keyto))
if commod is None:
logging.info('commod is none, end commod')
return None
n = 1
commod_name = commod
while commod_name in unique_commods:
commod_name = orig_commod + str(n)
n = n + 1
logging.info('end commod')
return commod_name
[docs]def choose_commodities(sim_spec, niches):
"""Creates list of commodities individually chosen by the choose_commodity function
sim_spec : SimSpec
Specification for simulation generation
niches : list
List of sequential niches returned from choose_niches.py
commods : list
List of in and out commodities to be added to the archetypes in the
input file.
logging.info('start choose commodities')
commods = []
unique_commods = set()
for keyfrom, keyto in zip(niches[:-1], niches[1:]):
commod = choose_commodity(sim_spec, keyfrom, keyto, unique_commods)
if commod is None:
logging.info('end choose commodities')
return commods
[docs]def choose_recipes(sim_spec, commods):
"""Chooses the specific recipe for each commodity in the commods list
sim_spec : SimSpec
Specification for simulation generation
commods : list
List of in and out commodities to be added to the archetypes in the
input file.
recipes : list
List of the assigned recipes to be added to the recipe section of
the generated input file[]
logging.info('start choose recipes')
recipes = []
for commod in commods:
recipe_dict = {}
if commod not in sim_spec.recipes:
recipe_dict['name'] = commod
recipe_dict['basis'] = 'mass'
nucs = recipe_dict['nuclide'] = deepcopy(sim_spec.recipes[commod]['nuclide'])
none_i = None
total = 0.0
u = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
for i, nuc in enumerate(nucs):
comp = nuc['comp']
if isinstance(comp, float):
total += comp
elif comp is None:
none_i = i
elif isinstance(comp, Sequence):
nuc['comp'] = comp = (comp[1] - comp[0])*u + comp[0]
total += comp
if none_i is not None:
nucs[none_i]['comp'] = 1.0 - total
logging.info('end recipes')
return recipes
[docs]def generate_nuclide(commod):
[docs]def choose_archetypes(sim_spec, niches):
"""Determines the correct archetype from cyclus or cycamore based on the niche
sim_spec : SimSpec
Specification for simulation generation
niches : list
List of sequential niches returned from choose_niches.py
arches : list
List of assigned archetypes. Same list length as niches.
logging.info('start choose arch')
if sim_spec.customized:
arches = [random.choice(tuple(sim_spec.archetypes[niches[0]]))]
arches = [random.choice(tuple(sim_spec.archetypes[niches[0]] | sim_spec.default_sources))]
for niche in niches[1:-1]:
a = random.choice(tuple(sim_spec.archetypes[niche]))
if len(niches) > 1:
#used to be NICHE_ARCHETYPES[niches][-1]
if sim_spec.customized:
a = random.choice(tuple(sim_spec.archetypes[niches[-1]]))
a = random.choice(tuple(sim_spec.archetypes[niches[-1]] | sim_spec.default_sinks))
logging.info('end choose arch')
return arches
[docs]def archetype_block(sim_spec, arches):
"""Formats the archetypes into the input file format
arches : list
List of assigned archetype.
block : dictionary
Dictionary containing each necessary element of the archetype
block in a Cyclus input file.
logging.info('start arch block')
arches = sim_spec.arches + arches
unique_arches = sorted(set(arches))
if ':agents:Sink' not in unique_arches:
if ':agents:Source' not in unique_arches:
if ':agents:NullInst' not in unique_arches:
if ':cycamore:DeployInst' not in unique_arches:
if ':agents:NullRegion' not in unique_arches:
block = {"spec" : []}
spec_keys = ["path", "lib", "name"]
for a in unique_arches:
if a == ':agents:Sink':
a +=':agents_sink'
spec = dict(zip(spec_keys, a.split(":")))
if a == ':agents:Source':
a +=':agents_source'
spec = dict(zip(spec_keys, a.split(":")))
spec = dict(zip(spec_keys, a.split(":")))
if spec["path"] == "":
del spec["path"]
logging.info('end arch block')
return block
[docs]def generate_archetype(sim_spec, arche, in_commod, out_commod, in_recipe, out_recipe):
"""Pulls in the metadata for each archetype
sim_spec : SimSpec
Specification for simulation generation
arche : str
The name of the archetype that is being generated.
in_commod : str
The incommodity received by the specific archetype as
determined by choose_commodities.py
out_commod : str
The outcommodity produced by the specific archetype as
determined by choose_commodities.py
config : dict
The JSON formatted archetype dictionary to be put in the input file
logging.info('start generate arch')
if arche not in sim_spec.annotations:
anno = subprocess.check_output([CYCLUS_EXECUTABLE[:], "--agent-annotations", arche],
anno = json.loads(anno.decode())
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
raise RuntimeError("JSON could not decode annotation " + anno.decode())
sim_spec.annotations[arche] = anno
annotations = sim_spec.annotations[arche]
config = []
vals = {}
#dereference aliases
for name, var in list(annotations["vars"].items()):
if isinstance(var, str):
annotations["vars"][name] = annotations["vars"].pop(var)
#fill in and randomly generate state variables
for name, var in annotations["vars"].items():
if (arche, name) in sim_spec.special_calls:
temp = sim_spec.special_calls[(arche, name)](name, vals, out_commod)
if temp != 0:
uitype = var.get("uitype", None)
var_type = var["type"]
if uitype == "range":
if "nichedomain" in var:
rng = var["nichedomain"].get(niche, var["range"])
rng = var["range"]
val = random.uniform(*rng)
if var_type == "int":
val = int(val)
vals[name] = val
elif uitype == "combobox":
vals[name] = choice(var["categorical"])
elif uitype == "incommodity":
vals[name] = in_commod
elif uitype == ["oneormore", "incommodity"]:
vals[name] = {"val" : [in_commod]}
elif uitype == "outcommodity":
vals[name] = out_commod
elif uitype == ["oneormore", "outcommodity"]:
vals[name] = {"val" : [out_commod]}
elif uitype == "commodity" or uitype == ["oneormore", "commodity"]:
raise KeyError("Can't generate to commodity please use incommodity "
"or outcommodity")
elif uitype == "inrecipe" and "default" not in var:
vals[name] = in_recipe["name"]
elif uitype == ["oneormore", "inrecipe"] and "default" not in var:
vals[name] = {"val" : [in_recipe["name"]]}
elif uitype == "outrecipe" and "default" not in var:
vals[name] = out_recipe["name"]
elif uitype == ["oneormore", "outrecipe"] and "default" not in var:
vals[name] = {"val" : [out_recipe["name"]]}
elif var_type == "double" or var_type == "float":
vals[name] = var.get("default", 0.0)
elif var_type == "int":
vals[name] = var.get("default", 0)
alias = arche.rpartition(":")[-1]
if arche == ':agents:Sink':
alias = 'agents_sink'
if arche == ':agents:Source':
alias = 'agents_source'
config.append({"name": alias, "config": {alias: vals}})
logging.info('end generate arch')
return config
[docs]def generate(max_num_niches=10, sim_spec=None):
"""Creates a random Cyclus simulation input file dict.
max_num_niches : int, optional
The maximum number of niches in the simulation
inp : dict
A simulation dictionary in JSON form, suitable for use
as a Cyclus input file.
# intial structure
logging.info('generate start')
inp = {"simulation": {}}
sim = inp["simulation"]
sim['control'] = sim_spec.control
# choose niches and archtypes
niches = random_niches(sim_spec, max_niches=max_num_niches)
arches = choose_archetypes(sim_spec, niches)
commods = choose_commodities(sim_spec, niches)
recipes = choose_recipes(sim_spec, commods)
sim["archetypes"] = archetype_block(sim_spec, arches)
#put the other things in here
sim["recipe"] = [r for r in recipes if r is not None]
protos = {}
protos[arches[0]] = generate_archetype(sim_spec, arches[0], None, commods[0], None, recipes[0])[0]
for arche, in_commod, out_commod, in_recipe, out_recipe in zip(arches[1:-1],
commods[:-1], commods[1:],
recipes[:-1], recipes[1:]):
if arche in sim_spec.arches:
temp_arch = generate_archetype(sim_spec, arche, in_commod, out_commod, in_recipe, out_recipe)
for arch in temp_arch:
base_name = arch["name"]
i = 1
while arch["name"] in protos:
arch["name"] = base_name + str(i)
protos[arch["name"]] = arch
protos[arches[-1]] = generate_archetype(sim_spec, arches[-1], commods[-1], None, None, None)[0]
sim["facility"] = list(protos.values())
sim["facility"] += sim_spec.facilities
sa.generate_region_inst(sim, sim_spec)
logging.info('generate end')
return inp