Speacial Archetypes (rickshaw.special_archs)

Special archetypes provided as necessary to the Rickshaw input file. Used for fuel cycle niches that have more than just one incommodity and outcommodity.

rickshaw.special_archs.enrich_tails(name, vals, commod)[source]

Generates a sink for the tails commodity stream.


name : String

Name for the archetype in the input file.

vals : Dictionary

Dictionary containing the specifications for the facilities in the simulation.

commod : String

The commod name will be tailcommd in this case.


sink : Dictionary

Dictionary formatted to represent the archetype in the input file.

rickshaw.special_archs.ff_fill(name, vals, commod)[source]
Generates a DU source facility for a fuel fabrication

name : String

Name for the archetype in the input file.

vals : Dictionary

Dictionary containing the specifications for the facilities in the simulation.

commod : String

Name of the commodity for the source.


source: Dictionary

Dictionary containing the specifications for a source facility.

rickshaw.special_archs.ff_fill_recipe(name, vals, commod)[source]
rickshaw.special_archs.generate_deploy(sim, parameters)[source]

Determines the function used to build the deploy institution. Parameters

sim : Dictionary
Simulation specifications for the cyclus input file.
parameters: Dictionary
Parameters used to define the deploy institution.

This creates a deploy institution for randomized runs. It will generate a number of deployment times, randomize the times and determine the what to deploy at those times. It operates in place.


sim : Dictionary

Simulation specifications for the cyclus input file.

rickshaw.special_archs.generate_deploy_lin(sim, parameters)[source]

This creates a deploy institution for randomized runs. This deploy institutation is designed to test a given parameter space for the possibility of transition between facilities.


sim : Dictionary

Simulation specifications for the cyclus input file.

parameters: Dictionary

Parameters used to define the deploy institution.

rickshaw.special_archs.generate_deploy_sch(sim, parameters)[source]

This creates a deploy institution for randomized runs. This deploy institutation is designed to test a given parameter space for the possibility of transition between facilities.


sim : Dictionary

Simulation specifications for the cyclus input file.

parameters: Dictionary

Parameters used to define the deploy institution.

rickshaw.special_archs.generate_region_inst(sim, sim_spec)[source]

Creates a null region and inst for the randomized runs. This operated in-place.


sim : Dictionary

Simulation specifications for the cyclus input file.

sim_spec : SimSpec

The prebuild SimSpec for the simulation.

rickshaw.special_archs.generate_throwsink(commod, name)[source]

Generic sink for outcommodities that do not become the incommodity of the following archetype.


commod : String

Name of the commidity that the throwsink is receiving.

name : String

Name for the archetype in the input file.


config : Dictionary

Dictionary formatted to represent the archetype in the input file.

rickshaw.special_archs.generate_throwsource(commod, name)[source]

Generic source for commidities.


commod : String

Name of the commidity that the throwsource is generating.

name : String

Name for the archetype in the input file.


config : Dictionary

Dictionary formatted to represent the archetype in the input file.

rickshaw.special_archs.sep_leftover(name, vals, commod)[source]
Generates a sink facility for the waste
material after separation.

name : String

Name for the archetype in the input file.

vals : Dictionary

Dictionary containing the specifications for the facilities in the simulation.

commod : String

Name of the commodity to be sent to the sink.


sink: Dictionary

Dictionary containing the specifications for a sink facility.

rickshaw.special_archs.sep_streams(name, vals, commod)[source]
Generates random separation effiencies
for the separations facility.

name : String

Name for the archetype in the input file.

vals : Dictionary

Dictionary containing the specifications for the facilities in the simulation.

commod : String

Name of the commodity to be separated.

rickshaw.special_archs.skip(name, vals, commod)[source]
rickshaw.special_archs.trans_init_facs(sim, parameters, config)[source]