Rickshaw Tutorial

You can get started using Rickshaw by following these steps:

  1. Clone the Git repo
  2. Run the installation script
  3. Write a specification file (optional)

Rickshaw Dependencies

First, make sure you have the following dependencies installed for Rickshaw to work correctly.

  • Cyclus
  • Cycamore
  • websockets
  • DockerPy
  • sphinx*
  • cloud_sptheme*
  • numpydoc*

* for building documentation

1. Cloning the Repo

Run the following from the command line:

git clone https://github.com/ergs/rickshaw.git

2. Installing Rickshaw

From the top-level rickshaw directory, run python setup.py install

3. Writing a Specification File (optional)

Specification files are Rickshaw input files in which you can define constraints for generation. For instance, you have the ability to restrict Rickshaw to a subset of Archetypes, Niches, Recipes, etc.

A specification file can be in either JSON or Python format.

Here’s an example:

# test_specification_input.py
    # Simulation data definitions
    'simulation': {'recipe': [{'basis': 'mass',
                               'name': 'commod_recipe',
                               'nuclide': [{'comp': [0.5, 1.0], 'id': int('010010000')},
                                           {'comp': None, 'id': int('010010000')}]
    # Desired niches for Rickshaw to use
    'niche_links': {"mine": {"reactor:hwr", "reactor:lwr"},
                    "reactor:hwr": {"repository"} ,
                    "repository": {None}
    # Disired archetypes which fit desired niches
    'archetypes': {"mine": {":cycamore:Source"},
                   "reactor:hwr": {":cycamore:Reactor"},
                   "reactor:lwr": {":cycamore:Reactor"},
                   "repository": {":cycamore:Sink"}

Any of the following may be specified as top-level keys in your file:

  • niche_links
  • archetypes
  • commodities

The above define the allowed structure of a Rickshaw-generated input file.

You’ll also notice the top-level simulation key in the specification file. This is where you can define literal data or data ranges for generated simulations. At this time, only the recipe block placed here is read by Rickshaw.

Running Rickshaw

After following the steps above, you can run Rickshaw via the rickshaw command from the command line. With no flags or options set, Rickshaw will produce one output file with no constraining specification.

  • To specify the number of input files to generate, use rickshaw -n [number of runs]. Each file will be saved in the format x.json where x is in the range [0, n-1].

  • To load a specification file, use rickshaw -i [file_name]

  • To run Rickshaw in verbose mode, use rickshaw -v. This will pretty print every generated input file.

  • To run Rickshaw in generate-and-run mode, you can use either:

    • rickshaw -rh (for HDF5 output)
    • rickshaw -rs (for SQLite output)
    • or both

    All generated input files will immediately be run by Cyclus to the output file format(s) specified.

Cool note!

The above options can be mixed to achieve your desired behavior, a la:

rickshaw -n 10 -i test.py -v -rh -rs