Rickshaw =============== .. raw:: html

~ A Stochastic Driver for Cyclus ~

Rickshaw is a Python-powered stochastic driver for Cyclus. Rickshaw will create randomly-generated, fully-valid Cyclus input files. Rickshaw works by, * Selecting a random fuel cycle structure by picking niches, * Selecting random archetypes to represent those niches, * Configure the archetypes by randomly selecting values for each state variable. Rickshaw can run on the command line to generate JSON input files or operate in a server mode that also runs Cyclus on the generated files. Rickshaw can interface with a variety of scheduluers, including Docker (for a node) and Docker Swarm (for the full cluster). ========= Contents ========= .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 api/index gettingstarted .. .. include:: dependencies.rst ============ Contributing ============ We highly encourage contributions to rickshaw! If you would like to contribute, it is as easy as forking the repository on GitHub, making your changes, and issuing a pull request. ========== Contact Us ========== If you have questions or comments, please contact the authors directly or open an issue on GitHub. ============= Helpful Links ============= * `Documentation `_ * `GitHub Repository `_ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. raw:: html Fork me on GitHub